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ICAO/FAA to EASA Conversion

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ICAO/FAA to EASA Conversion Costs

We have made every effort to keep prices as low as possible.

CONVERSION FROM FAA/ICAO ATP to EASA ATPL for confirmed pilots with 1500 hrs of which 500 multi-crew, 100 night etc.

CONVERSION FROM FAA/ICAO ATP to EASA ATPL only for confirmed airline pilots with 1500 hrs of which 500 multi-crew, 100 night etc.
ATPL theory course 14 subjects€ 2,228
Online Questionbank Access 12 months€ 182
Brush-up course 65h (online, no presence learning!)€ 500
Skilltest on qualifying multi-crew aircraft, price variable
Jeppesen Student Route Manual€ 87
total€ 2,997


CONVERSION FROM FAA CPL TO EASA frozen ATPL for low-time pilots (ICAO CONVERSION € 23.946)

CONVERSION FROM FAA ATP TO EASA frozen ATPL for low-time pilots with minimum 50h PIC in IMC
Books + Docs + CAA comm + ATO overhead€ 800
ATPL theory course 14 subjects€ 2,497
PPL Training as req (est 5h incl exam) (C152)€ 1,541
Night Rating automatically converted with PPL€ 0
3h MEP (PA34)€ 1,755
2.5h ME/IR (1,5h SIM & 1h PA34)€ 1,625
2h SEP-IR/MEP-VFR/MEP-IR Skill test€ 1,300
7.5h CPL (2,5h PA34 + 5h C152)€2,308
1.5h CPL Skill test (PA34)€878
MCC€ 2,535
UPRT€ 1,755
total€ 16,993
*(preliminary pricing subject to CAA approval. Prices excluding landing fees not on homebases and , examination fees, medical examinations, language proficiency examinations, RT license & pilot supplies. hrs depending on entry level of candidate & individual theory homework support & brush-ups needed)



3 hrs of briefings€ 154
PPL 2 Theory subjects Communications & Airlaw + docs + overhead€ 516
4 hrs SEP-VFR (Estimated)€ 1,093
1 hr SEP-VFR Skilltest€ 437
total€ 2,201
*(Prices excluding landing fees not on homebases and , examination fees, medical examinations, language proficiency examinations & pilot supplies. hrs depending on entry level of candidate & individual theory homework support & brush-ups needed)


CONVERSION FROM FAA/ICAO IR to EASA IR for people with more than 50 hours PiC

CONVERSION FROM FAA IR to EASA IR for people with more than 50 hours PiC
IR docs + CAA comm + ATO overhead€ 484
10 hrs of briefings€ 574
4 hrs of SEP-IFR on C172 aircraft (Estimated)€ 1,752
1 hr SEP-IFR Skilltest€ 230
total€ 3,039
CONVERSION FROM FAA IR to EASA IR for people with more than 50 hours PiC*€ 3,039
*(Prices excluding examination fees, landing fees not on homebases and , medical examinations, language proficiency examinations & pilot supplies. hrs depending on entry level of candidate & individual theory homework support & brush-ups needed)

ExecutiveFlight Academy B.V is one of the most specialized License conversion specialists in Europe. The course structure of the various EASA license conversions from FAA or ICAO countries is as follows:

EASA conversion for confirmed airline pilots with experience and type rating

For confirmed airline pilots with experience who wish to transfer to an EASA ATPL and already hold a Multi-Crew Aircraft Type-Rating and a third country ATP:

  • Flight Experience of 1500 hours total time (depending on country of issue)
  • including 500 hours in a multi-crew environment
  • 100 hours night
  • Etc.

They can immediately start flying for a maximum of 12 months with an airline, provided they first do an EASA sim check on the aircraft for which they have a Type Rating
And if they register for an EASA ATPL Theory course for which they pass all ATPL Theory exams within 2 years, this can be extended to a maximum of 2 years.

EASA Conversion for low-time ICAO or FAA ATP certificate holders 

For all ATPL, CPL, PPL, MEP, and IR conversions that do not meet these entry requirements and wish to transfer to an EASA CPL and already hold a third-country CPL-MEP-IR, the following requirements apply

  • EASA ATPL Theory course
  • Passed ATPL Theory exams
  • Depending on ICAO or FAA origin, approximately 50% reduction in training hours for the various certifications and ratings and then successfully passing an exam per rating
  • For FAA conversion cases, the medical certificate, the LPE, and the R/T license can be exchanged directly from the FAA to EASA. This is NOT the case with conversions from ICAO countries.

EASA Conversion for ICAO or FAA PPl holders

For people who want to transfer to an EASA PPL (with or without additional ratings) and already hold a third-country PPL:

  • EASA PPL Theory course (only 2 subjects, Human Performance and Airlaw from ICAO and Communications and Airlaw from FAA)
  • Successfully take the PPL theory exams
  • Training as required on SEP aircraft after assessment by the flight school (0-5 hours)
  • EASA medical (not required for FAA holders)
  • EASA (LPE) (not required for FAA holders)
  • PPL flight exam

ICAO and FAA instrument rating conversion

For people that wish to convert from an FAA or ICAO to an EASA Instrument Rating and already hold a third country (FAA or ICAO) IR there is a special very fast and easy conversion: the Competency-Based IR! This program takes into account all previous (even unfinished) IR training and pilot in command hours and the conversion depends on experience and goes from as low as ONLY the skill test with an oral examination by an EASA examiner to 50% of training hours to be performed. Check out our conversion document for more details

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)

(*This webpage gives you only a very general description. The conversion process is quite complex and varies quite a bit by FAA or ICAO jurisdiction. For all the details, click this button.)

Read our unique flight training Wiki, the only place in NL where all EASA regulations are briefly and concisely summarized for all types of pilot training!

More information?