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Night Qualification (NQ)

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Night flying is a profession in itself and also a wonderful teaching experience. This part also gives you more options and freedom of movement if you want to become a good all-round pilot. The flight training only takes 5 flying lessons of one hour, of which 4 with an instructor. No formal practical or theory exam is necessary, your instructor simply signs your logbook and you submit a form to KIWA to have the night qualification put on your pilot’s license. The night qualification is therefore the perfect extension of your PPL and a mandatory part of the CPL and ATPL pilot training. During your flight training you make night circuits, navigation flights and train emergencies, after which you can fly solo for an hour and make 6 full stops. After your endorsement you have the right to fly at night on sight (In Belgium, the night period is from 30 minutes after sunset to 30 minutes before sunrise and in the Netherlands from sunset to sunrise). Night flying is prohibited in the Netherlands, while almost all other EASA countries allow it.

Due to the strict noise abatement rules in the Benelux, no circuit flying is allowed after 20:00, so that only winter and autumn are suitable for this rating. The weather has to be perfect so it’s difficult in NL. That is why we regularly do the night ratings in so-called 1.5 day trips from Breda to France with an instructor and 2-3 students, because the rules are much more relaxed there and the landing fees are lower. We leave just before sunset and then each leg flies to Merville, Kortrijk, Lille and Le Touquet. After a hotel stay on the beach in Normandie, you return to Breda.
Another option is to do this rating in our low-cost base in Hungary where there are 300 flyable days per year. This base is easily and very cheaply accessible with Wizzair from Eindhoven.

Read our unique flight training Wiki, the only place in NL where all EASA regulations are briefly and concisely summarized for all types of pilot training!

Night qualification (NQ)
We have made every effort to minimize the price of the Night Rating.


Night Qualification 6 hrs (NQ)
Books + Docs + Briefings + ATO overhead€ 387
4 hrs dual flight training with instructor Cessna 172€ 1,264
1 hr solo flight Cessna 172€ 278
total€ 1,930
*(all incl. except pilot supplies/books, government charges (LPE/Medical/Licensing), req. landings.


€ 1,930

*(all incl. except pilot supplies/books, government charges (LPE/Medical/Licensing), req. landings. Rebate deal only for students finishing PPL within 1 year FE’s excl. Long Briefings stelpost?

Specific advantages of EASA Night Qualification at ExecutiveFlight

  • Flying on sight at night is hardly allowed anywhere in the Netherlands, except for training purposes, while it is a mandatory part of professional pilot training (CPL/ATPL). Our sophisticated choice of location in the Belgian and French border area and in Hungary gives you every opportunity to train at night.
  • There are numerous airports in the border area with Belgium, Germany, and France with which we have a good relationship and where you can practice or fly to your heart’s content after you have the night qualification on your pilot’s license.
  • Very low landing fees, also for night and instrument approaches. 0€ to 10€ depending on the flying locations
  • Executive Flight offers the opportunity to get your night qualification in two nights.


Flight locations

Antwerp airport

Luchthavenlei 1, 2100, Bus 32, Antwerp (B)

Charleroi Airport

Rue des Fusillés, 6040, Gosselies, Belgie


2 nights to 1 month. Note: For night flights the weather must be perfect.

NB .: Due to strict environmental standards, circuit training is no longer allowed in most airports after 20:00. This means that there are only a few winter left to obtain the Night Qualification and the lessons often get cancelled because of the winter weather. So plan your course well for the period Dec-Feb and be as much available for training as you can.

During other periods of the year the training is done in Wallonia (Belgium) or in Northern France

Night qualification (NQ) training overview

  • 2 hrs dual circuit touch & go with flight instructor
  • 1 hr dual navigation training with instructor
  • 1 hr solo circuit flight with 6 touch & g’s
  • Aircrafts: Cessna 150/152, Diamond DA-40, Cessna 182, Robin DR400


The night qualification gives its holder the right to fly at night in VFR (visual flight rules) conditions. However, only if the country where you will fly allows it. In the Netherlands, VFR flying by night is not permitted. The difference between VFR (visual flight rules) and IFR (instrument flight rules) flight is the way of navigation. With VFR one the pilot uses maps and looks outside to find the way, IFR implies flying on the basis of instruments in the airplane and ground beacons.

Pre entry Requirements

To be allowed to start the night qualification flight training the candidate must be in possession of a Private Pilot’s License or PPL. If the pilot has a LAPL the candidate must first do the IFR part of the training for PPL (3 hours with an instructor) before you he start your night qualification flight training.

Practical training

The practical training consists of five hours flying at night of which at least 3 hours will be carried out under dual control with an instructor including a navigation flight of one hour that stretches at least 50km overland. The candidate has to make five solo take-offs and landings.

Theoretical education

The student has to follow a theoretical course in our flight school consisting of five hours briefing. there is no formal test or exam.


There is no practical or theoretical examination, but you should send a Course Completion Certificate (CCC) together with the normal rating application forms to KIWA in the Netherlands, or if you have a foreign (EASA) certification to the Civil Aviation Authorities ( CAA) of the country where your license is held.

Other information

Several EASA Member States have different rules regarding night flying. For example, it is banned in the Netherlands to fly VFR at night. The night starts at sunset and ends at sunrise in NL. In Belgium and in many other countries it is allowed to fly at night and the night starts 30 ‘after sunset and stops 30’ before sunrise. The rule that the entire course must be completed within 6 months has been withdrawn . To be able to carry passengers at night the pilot is required to have done three take-offs and landings in the past 90 days by night.

Legal requirements

Aeroplanes, TMGs, airships. 1) If the competencies of an LAPL, SPL or a PPL for airplanes, TMGs or airships are to be exercised in VFR conditions at night, applicants must complete a training course at an ATO. The course shall include:

i) theoretical knowledge instruction;

ii) at least 5 hours of flight time at night in the appropriate aircraft category, including at least 3 hours of dual control instruction including at least 1 hour of cross-country navigation with at least one cross-country flight with dual control of at least 50 km (27 nautical miles) and 5 solo take-offs and 5 solo full-stop landings.

2) Before completing the training at night, LAPL holders must complete the instrument flight training required for the issue of the PPL.

3) When applicants hold a class rating for both single-engine piston airplanes (land) and a TMG, they may complete the requirements in point 1) in either class or both classes.

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