Digital Flight course
Digital Flight course
The developments are going very fast, soon there will be no conventional analog cockpits. The use of GPS is increasing. Jeppesen has stopped producing and delivering paper VFR navigation maps and from 2015 the central government of France will no longer subsidise the service for the ground based VHF beacons such as the Instrument Landing Systems (ILS) from provincial airports. It is to be expected that these airports will transition to PBN / GPS / GNSS RNAV approaches.
The Apps available for the iPad and iPhone and ANDROID are starting to beat the level of certified glass cockpits for only a fraction of the cost. For example: JeppesenFD Sky Demon, Airnav Pro Aero Weather, Flight Plan Pro, etc.
On one hand we, at Executive Flight ,believe that learning to fly is not to be done digitally; PPL pilots need to fly their first 100 hours without these tools to learn the profession. On the other hand, these developments do not stop, they make flying safer and they offer enormous advantages for the (somewhat) experienced pilot. Finally, knowledge of this new technology is necessary for professional pilots or people who are studying to make flying their profession. However, the legislation is well behind and therefore no EASA approved courses are available yet. Let alone that there is an approved curriculum for these tools. To bridge this gap, we have put together a workshop that lets you get acquainted with the latest technology. You will learn to use these tools in a sensible, safe and time-saving manner. This program is suitable for both PPL pilots that fly VFR and professional pilots with an Instrument Rating who fly in IMC and is ofcourse also suitable for all those people who want to increase their knowledge of the available tools.
This program can be done both separately and together with the “glass cockpit conversion course”.
Digital Flight Course:
Specific advantages of the Digital Flight course at Executive Flight
- Meet the latest technology, both JeppesenFD Sky Demon, Aero Weatherford as AirNav Pro and Flight Plan Pro
- Learn how you can use these next generation tools in a sensible, safe and time-saving way
- Avoid the pitfalls of digital flight systems such as airspace Infringements, differences between QNH and true altitude etc.
- We Combine theory with practice by making actual flights based on digital preparation on tablet and smartphone
Theory location
Meer (nearby Breda) Londenstraat 7, 2321 Meer/Hoogstraten, Belgium
Upon request. Depends on your own reference.
Digital Flight workshop training program
- Overview of the best iPad, iPhone and Android App programs and how to use it
- Practical workshop with the best websites and apps, and consistency with the available online information for flight preparation in the broadest sense
- Using GPS, iPad, Rocket Route Jeppview, Star Flite, AirnavPro, SkyDemon, Aero Weather, etc flightplanPro.
- How to use these tools wisely? Problems / pitfalls to avoid with these new tools.
This course consists of 2-4 classroom sessions and 1-2 practicals. Divided into a total of 10 hours over three nights. Possibly real-time flight sessions can be scheduled.