Commercial Pilot License (CPL)
A CPL (Commercial Pilot License) pilot’s license entitles the holder to earn money during so-called single-pilot operations, such as flying lessons, scenic flights, parachuting, commercial tows and in private single-pilot air-taxi operations.
Note: A professional pilot (CPL) pilot license without an ATPL theory certificate does not allow the license holder to conduct flights requiring a multi-crew crew. As a result, almost all possible multi-crew activities, such as with airlines and private jet operators with an Airline Operator Certificate (AOC), are not possible outside the so-called single pilot “aerial work activities” described above! A Commercial Pilot License is a compulsory part of the airline pilot’s flight training (ATPL pilot’s license). This CPL license is therefore the highest attainable pilot license with which you can leave flight training. Together with your ATPL theory certificate, you will receive a so-called “frozen ATPL” status with which you can apply anywhere as a First Officer (FO). So if you want to train as a professional pilot for the airlines, or become a private jet pilot, the full ATPL pilot license is really the only option.
After you have met all kinds of experience requirements, such as 1500 hours Total Time including 500 in multi-crew aircraft and 100 night hours, you will receive the full ATPL pilot license after a skill test at the airline where you fly. Only now has your training as a pilot finally been completed and you can become a captain at a later stage.
Commercial Pilot License (CPL)
Books + Docs + Briefings + ATO overhead | € 832 |
10 hrs dual flight C152 with instructor | € 1,690 |
5 hrs dual flight with instructor PA34 | € 2,925 |
Skill test | € 585 |
total | € 6,032 |
*(all incl. except theory course, pilot supplies/books, government charges (LPE/Medical/Licensing) req. landings & exam fees, possibly extra req. flights and landings) |
€ 6,032 |
€ 6,032 |
*(all incl. except pilot supplies/books, government charges (LPE/Medical/Licensing), req. landings. Rebate deal only for students finishing PPL within 1 year FE’s excl. Long Briefings stelpost?
Specific advantages of the Commercial Pilot License (CPL) at ExecutiveFlight
- Excellent training locations at international airports where you fly directly between professional airliners and F-16s.
- Precision navigation exercises of a very high level in the Ardennes, a region with often poor visibility, short grass strips, hills and few visual markers and therefore widely used as a training area by air forces throughout Europe.
- Within a radius of 15 ‘flying there are numerous airports located with all possible approaches available unlike the situation in the Netherlands.
- At these airports training slots are almost always available and require no or very low landing fees / ATC charges. Please note that each landing, including any touch & go to non homebased airports is very expensive in Holland, between 30 and 80 euros. You will land between 30-40 times during your CPL pilot course Calculate your savings!
- All local landing fees and ATC charges included.
- At Executive Flight, you can also do your ATPL or CPL theory training. Easy. And by bringing everything to an ATO you can directly start flying without first having to finish the theory!
- We are the first in the Benelux to have a completely upgraded fleet and IR curriculum with the new Precison Based Navigation (PBN) approach module based on GNSS / GPS technology that is required in 2018-2020 for all new and existing Instrument Pilots!
- Instructor, fuel, VAT & TKS anti-icing fluid included
Flight location
EF Base in Adriatic
1-3 months depending on the availability of the candidate.
Commercial Pilot License (CPL) training program
The CPL course normally consists of 25 hours of flying lessons. (This can be reduced to 15 hours, if one is in possession of an Instrument Rating (IR)):
- 25 of 15 hours of flying lessons
- 10 hours flying lessons on Cessna 152, Robin DR400 or DA-40
- 5 hours flight training on complex aircraft such as e.g. the Diamond DA-42 Twinstar, Cessna 182RG of Mooney 20E
- Briefings
Attention! There are many misunderstandings around the Commercial Pilot license: For commercial flights at airline companies that also have an AOC (Aircraft Operator Certificate), having a CPL license is insufficient. you need a (frozen) ATPL license. So with CPL theory alone, one can only fly in smaller so-called “single-pilot” aircrafts. Almost all commercial operations are now “multi-crew” including most air-taxi companies with business aircraft so they all require a Frozen ATPL status..
The Commercial Pilot License (CPL) gives the holder the right to fly against payment in single pilot certified operations. And because very few single pilot operations are made, the CPL certification is not worth much in the job market (Think of flying for the fire brigade, giving flying lessons, crop-dusting, pulling advertising banners, etc.). To be allowed to apply for an airline (multi-pilot operations) you must have at least a frozen ATPL status. This is a successful completion of the CPL + ATPL theory exams. The difference between the ATPL theory exams and the CPL theory examinations is minor and therefore Executive Flight recommends that students graduate with a frozen ATPL and not with a CPL. The frozen ATPL license will be upgraded to a full ATPL license if the holder has flown 1,500 hours in multi-pilot operations with a commercial operator and has succesfully completed a skill test with an examiner.
Pre entry Requirements
An applicant for a commercial pilot license (CPL) must have:
-A medical certificate class 1
-150 hours of flight time.
-100 Hours as pilot in command of which at least 20 hours cross-country.
-A Night qualification. (NQ)
Requirement before passing the CPL exam
-The Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL) or commercial pilot / Air Transport Pilot (ATPL) theoretical exams
Post training requirement before you can apply for the CPL pilot’s license
-A flight as pilot in command of at least 300 nautical miles with two stops at different airports.
Practical flight training
The practical training consists of 25 hours of flight training, of which 10 hours under IFR conditions, with no more than 5 hours, of all in a simulator. If you already have an instrument rating (IR) the 10 hours of training under IFR will be deleted. From the remaining 15 hours at least 5 hours need to be made in a complex plane (variable pitch propeller, four chairs and a retractable gear). This number of hours may be reduced to 15 if the candidate has a night qualification (NQ) or an Instrument Rating (IR).
Theoretical training
The candidate must take exams for 13 theory courses (all subjects regarding airline transport pilots/ATPL, except for IFR communications), the results remain valid for 36 months. This means the course needs to be completed within that time frame.
A candidate must have the long navigation of 300 NM and 200 hours of flight time as Pilot in Command (PIC) for the obtaining his commercial pilot license.
The commercial pilot license never expires. The single engine and multiengine rating on the license can expire though, check the specific ratings for the rehabilitation details.
Other information
For the costs of these separate theory trainings, see the prices page on the website. If the Distance Learning option (DLS) is selected, one only needs to get 25 hours of ground instruction for the CPL theory course which one can do at home independently via the internet and ebooks.
Legal requirements
SECTION 1 General requirements FCL.300 CPL — Minimum age An applicant for a CPL shall be at least 18 years old. FCL.305 CPL – Competencies and conditions a) Privileges. The competencies of the holder of a CPL are, within the appropriate aircraft category, to: 1) exercise all the competencies of the holder of an LAPL and a PPL; 2) act as PIC or co-pilot in an aircraft engaged in operations other than commercial air transport; 3) act as PIC in commercial air transport of one-pilot certified aircrafts, taking into account the limitations in FCL.060 and in this Subpart; 4) act as second pilot in commercial air transport, taking into account the limitations in FCL.060. b) Conditions. Applicants for the issue of a CPL shall meet the requirements for the class or type rating for the aircraft used in the skill test. FCL.310 CPL – Theoretical knowledge examinations An applicant for a CPL shall demonstrate a level of knowledge appropriate to the competencies granted in the following subjects: – Air Legislation, – familiarity with the aircraft – aircraft construction / Systems / propelling device, – general knowledge of the aircraft – instruments – mass and balance – airplane performance, – flight planning and flight monitoring, – human performance, – meteorology, – general navigation, – radio navigation, – operational procedures, – principles of flight, – VFR communications ( Visual Flight Rules). FCL.315 CPL – Training course An applicant for a CPL shall have completed theoretical knowledge instruction and flight instruction at an ATO in accordance with Appendix 3 to this Part. FCL.320 CPL – For a CPL, and on the basis of a skill test in accordance with Appendix 4 of this part, an applicant must demonstrate his ability as PIC of the appropriate aircraft category to execute the relevant procedures and manoeuvres with a degree of competency appropriate to the privileges granted. SECTION 2 Specific requirements for the category winged airplanes- CPL (A)
Modular training for a CPL – Winged aeroplanes GENERAL 1. The aim of the modular CPL (A) training is to train holders of a PPL (A) to a level of proficiency necessary for the issue of a CPL (a).2. Before commencing a modular training for a CPL (A) an applicant shall hold a PPL (A) issued in accordance with Annex 1 to the Chicago Convention. 3. Before commencing the flight training the applicant shall: a) have flown 150 hours ; b) have met the prerequisites for the issue of a class or type rating for multi-engine airplanes in accordance with Subpart H, if a multi-engine airplane is to be used on the skill test. 4. An applicant wishing to undertake a modular CPL (A), needs to complete all the instructional stages of an approved continuous training course as arranged by an ATO. The theoretical knowledge instruction may be given at an ATO, delivering theoretical education only. 5. The course shall comprise: a) theoretical knowledge of the CPL (A); and b) visual and instrument flying training. THEORETICAL KNOWLEDGE 6. An approved theory course for CPL (A) shall include at least 250 hours of teaching. THEORY EXAMINATION 7. An applicant shall demonstrate a level of knowledge appropriate to the privileges of the holder of a CPL (A). FLIGHT TRAINING 8. Applicants without an IR shall attend at least 25 hours of dual control instruction, including 10 hours of instrument instruction of which up to 5 hours ground time in a BITD, an FNPT I or II, an FTD 2 or an FFS. 9. Applicants holding a valid IR (A) are fully exempted from the dual control instruction time. Applicants holding a valid IR (H) may be exemptedup to 5 hours from the dual control instruction in intrument flying , provided that at least 5 hours of dual instrument instruction is taught in a winged airplane. A candidate who is in possession of a Course Completion Certificate for the Basic Instrument Flight Module, gets an exemption for the required instrument instruction time up to 10 hours. 10. a) Applicants with a valid IR shall be given at least 15 hours of dual control instruction provided under visual conditions. b) Applicants without a night flying qualification for a winged airplane shall be given additionally at least 5 hours night flight instruction comprising 3 hours of dual control instruction including at least 1 hour of cross-country navigation and 5 solo take-offs and 5 solo landings, where the aircraft is brought to a complete stop. 11. At least 5 hours of flight instruction shall be carried out in an airplane certificated for the carriage of at least four persons and have a variable pitch propeller and retractable landing gear. EXPERIENCE 12. Applicants for a CPL (A) shall have completed at least 200 hours of flight time, including at least: a) 100 hours as PIC, of which 20 hours of cross-country flight as PIC, including a VFR cross-country flight of at least 540 km ( 300 NM), during which landings at two different aerodromes different from the aerodrome of departure shall be landed to a halt; b) 5 hours flight time must be surveilled at night comprising 3 hours of dual control instruction including at least 1 hour of cross-country navigation and 5 solo take-offs and 5 solo landings where the aircraft should have been brought to a complete stop; and c) 10 hours of instrument flight instruction, which may be up to 5 hours ground time in an FNPT I, FNPT II or FFS. An applicant who holds a training certificate for the Basic Instrument Flight Module, gets an exemption up to 10 hours for the required instrument instruction time. Hours done in a BITD will not count;
d) 6 hours of flight time shall be completed in a multi-engine airplane, if a multi-engine airplane used for the skill test. e) Hours as PIC of other categories of aircraft may count towards the 200 hours flight time in the following cases: i) 30 hours in a helicopter, if the applicant holds a PPL (H); or ii) 100 hours in a helicopter, if the applicant holds a CPL (H); or iii) 30 hours in TMGs or sailplanes; or iv) 30 hours in airships, if the applicant holds a PPL (As); or v) 60 hours in airships, if the applicant holds a CPL (As). SKILL TEST 13. Upon completion of the flight training and relevant experiential requirements the applicant shall take the CPL (A) on either a single-engine or a multi-engine airplane. Skill test for the issue of a CPL A. General 1. An applicant for a skill test for the CPL shall have received instruction in the same type / class of airplane to be used in the test. 2. An applicant shall pass all the relevant sections of the skill. If a candidate fails an item of a section, he fails for the entire section. When failing more than one section, he must retake the entire test. A candidate who only fails one section shall only retake the section. When he fails a section of the retest, including those sections for which he had passed on a previous attempt, he must retake the entire test. All relevant parts of the skill test shall be completed within six months. Candidates who do not pass all the relevant sections of the test in two attempts will require further training. 3. As a result of failing any skill test, further training may be required. There is no limit to the number of skill tests that a candidate may participate in. CONDUCTING THE TEST 4. Should the applicant choose to terminate a skill test for reasons considered inadequate by the Flight Examiner (FE), the applicant shall retake the entire skill test. If the test is terminated for reasons that the FE deems valid, only the non-completed sections are to be tested on a later flight. 5. At the discretion of the FE, any manoeuvre or procedure of the test can be repeated once by the applicant. The FE may stop the test at any stage if it is considered that the flight skill as demonstrated by the candidate requires a complete re-test. 6. The candidate is required to fly the airplane from a position where the PIC functions can be performed and to carry out the test as if there is no other member of the crew present. Responsibility for the flight shall be allocated in accordance with national regulations. 7. An applicant shall communicate to the FE the checks and duties carried out, including the identification of radio facilities. Checks shall be completed in accordance with the checklist for the aircraft on which the test is being taken. The candidate is required to determine power settings and speeds during the flight preparation for the test. Performance data for take-off, approach and landing shall be calculated by the applicant in accordance with the operations manual or flight manual for the aircraft used. 8. The FE shall take no part in the operation of the aircraft except when intervention is necessary in the interests of safety or to avoid unacceptable delay to other traffic. B. Content of the skill test for the issue of a CPL – Winged aeroplanes 1. The winged airplane used or the skill test must meet the requirements for training airplanes, and shall be certificated for the carriage of at least four persons and have a variable pitch propeller and a retractable landing gear. 2. The route to be flown shall be chosen by the FE and the destination shall be a regulated aerodrome. The candidate is responsible for the flight planning and shall ensure that all equipment and documentation for the execution of the flight are on board. The flight should last at least 90 minutes. 3. The candidate must demonstrate the ability to: a) operate the airplane within its limitations; b) completing all manoeuvres with smoothness and accuracy; c) exercise good judgment and airmanship; d) apply aeronautical knowledge; and e) at all times keep the airplane under control so that no serious doubts about the successful outcome of a procedure or manoeuvre are to be raised at any time. ALLOWED DEVIATIONS AT THE FLIGHT TEST 4. The following limits shall apply, with an allowance for turbulent conditions and the flight behavior and performance of the aircraft used. Height: normal flight ± 100 feet with simulated engine failure ± 150 feet Tracking ground rates with the aid of radio aids ± 5 ° Heading: normal flight ± 10 ° with simulated engine failure ± 15 ° Speed: take off and approach ± 5 knots all other flight regimes ± 10 knots CONTENT OF THE TEST 5. Items in section 2, c) and e) iv ), and entire sections 5 and 6 may be performed in an FNPT II or an FFS. Using the checklists of the airplane, airmanship, control of the airplane by external visual reference, procedures for anti-icing / de-icing and principles of threat and error in assessment will apply in all sections. SECTION 1 — PRE-FLIGHT OPERATIONS AND DEPARTURE a Pre-flight, including: Flight planning, Documentation, the mass and center of gravity, Weather brief, NOTAMS b Aeroplane inspection and servicing c Taxiing and take-off d Performance considerations and trim e Aerodrome and traffic pattern f Departure procedure, altimeter setting, collision avoidance (lookout) g ATC liaison – compliance, R / T procedures SECTION 2 – GENERAL AIRWORK a Control of airplane by external visual reference outside plane, including straight and level, climbing , descent, lookout b Flight at critically low airspeeds including recognition of and recovery from incipient and full stalls c turns, including turns in landing configuration. Steep turns 45 ° d Flight at critically high airspeeds, including recognition of and recovery from spiral dives e Flight solely based on instruments, including: i) level flight, cruise configuration, control of heading, altitude and airspeed ii) bends in the climbing and descending 10 ° -30 ° bank iii) recoveries from unusual attitudes iv) limited panel instruments f ATC liaison – compliance, R / T procedures SECTION 3 – PROCEDURES “EN ROUTE” a Control of airplane by external visual reference outside plane, including cruise configuration Range / endurance considerations b orientation, map reading c Altitude, speed, heading control, lookout d Altimeter setting. ATC liaison – compliance, R / T procedures e Monitoring of flight progress, flight log, fuel usage, assessment of ground rate error and re-establishment of correct ground rate f Observation of weather conditions, assessment of weather forecasts, diversion planning g Tracking ground rates, positioning (NDB or VOR), identification of facilities (instrument flying). Putting into effect a diversion plan to fall back airport (visual flight) SECTION 4 – PROCEDURES APPROACH AND LANDING a Arrival procedures, altimeter setting, checks, lookout b ATC liaison – compliance, R / T procedures c Relaunch action from low height d Normal landing, crosswind landing (if suitable conditions) e Short field landing f Approach and landing (single-engine only) g Landing without use of flaps h Post-flight actions SECTION 5 – ABNORMAL AND EMERGENCY PROCEDURES This section can be combined with sections 1 / through 4
a Simulated engine failure after take-off (at safe altitude), fire drill b equipment malfunctions Including alternatively lowering the landing gear, the power failure and the brakes c Forced landing (simulated) d ATC liaison – compliance, R / T procedures e oral questions SECTION 6 — SIMULATED ASYMMETRIC FLIGHT AND RELEVANT ITEMS FOR A CLASS OR TYPE This section may be combined with sections 1 / through 5
a Simulated engine failure during take-off (at a safe altitude unless carried out in an FFS) b Asymmetric approach and relaunch c Asymmetric approach and landing where the aircraft needs to be put to a complete stop put d shutdown and restart the engine e ATC liaison – compliance, R / T procedures, directorship f As determined by the FE – any relevant items of the skill test for a class / type rating, including, when applicable: i) airplane systems including handling of autopilot ii) operation of the system to bring the cabin under pressure iii) use of the system for removing icing and system to prevent icing g Orally asked questions