Hyper Flexible

Open 24/7, fly whenever you want.

High training standard

Personal and patient approach.

The lowest prices

Top price / performance ratio.

Training flight instructor (FI, IRI, CRI)

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


The flight training to become a Flight Instructor at ExecutiveFlight is an intense, short training of 3-4 weeks compared to other flight schools where people often need a year due to a lack of capacity flight instructor instructors (FIIs) and bad weather.

EFA goes far beyond the syllabus to train true all-weather/all-student flight instructors. EFA gives priority to home-grown flight instructors in its hiring policy.

This pilot training leads to obtaining the qualification “Restricted Flight Instructor” FI(A) R. This qualification gives the right to train candidate pilots to the level “Private Pilot” (PPL) or Light Aircraft Pilot (LAPL). The restrictions (no first circuit solo and no first navigation solo shipment) will be removed from your license if you have given 100 hours of flying lessons and sent 25 students solo.

Provided you have sufficient experience, additional qualifications can be acquired such as: teaching for the CPL certification, the Instrument Rating (IRI), the Multi-Engine class rating (CRI), the Night Qualification (NQ), Type Rating Instructor (TRI) or to candidate Flight Instructors (FII).

Target audience

This course is aimed at somewhat experienced pilots who would like to pass on their knowledge to new candidate pilots. The best flight instructors are people who have made it through training relatively easily, have excellent communication skills, and are eager to share their passion for flying with the next generation of pilots.

Read our unique flight training Wiki, the only place in NL where all EASA regulations are briefly and concisely summarized for all types of pilot training!

Training flight instructor (FI)
We have made every effort to minimize prices.


Books + Docs + ATO overhead€ 967
26 Hours on Cessna 150/152 with FII€ 4,394
5 Hours mutual candidates on Cessna 150/152€ 845
Briefings, minimum price. (Depending on entry-level and student availability)€ 1,294
total€ 7,500
*(Prices excluding examination fees, landing fees not on homebases and medical examinations, language proficiency examinations & pilot supplies)
Instrument Instructor (CRI)
For this workshop we are happy to make a tailor-made offer for you.
Instrument Instructior (IRI)
We have made every effort to minimize prices.

IRI for pilots with a Flight Instructor Rating

Entry requirements In case you have an FI rating

  • SEP class-rating
  • Valid medical with IR extension
  • Valid IR rating
  • Valid FI rating
  • Minimum 200 hours IR experience
  • the practical course takes 5 hours

IRI for pilots that have NO FI Rating:

Entry requirements for pilots that have NO FI Rating:
  • SEP class-rating
  • Valid medical with IR extension
  • Valid IR rating
  • Minimum 800 hours IR experience
  • the practical course takes 10 hours
TOTAL Language Proficiency exam
LPE€ 188
IRI for pilots with a Flight Instructor Rating
Overhead€ 150
Training costs for 10 hours theory and 5 flight hours on FNPTII simulator practical training€ 1,870
CAA Administration fee€ 70
Examiner€ 250
Check ride (2 hours on C152)€ 346


€ 7,500

*(Prices excluding examination fees, landing fees not on homebases and , medical examinations, language proficiency examinations & pilot supplies. hrs depending on entry level of candidate & individual theory homework support & brush-ups needed)


For this workshop we are happy to make a tailor-made offer for you.


(for pilots with a Flight Instructor Rating)


(for pilots that have NO FI Rating)

€ 250
€ 346

Specific advantages of the Flight instruction courses at ExecutiveFlight

  • Short intensive training that starts when you want. Also applies to the Instrument Instructor (IRI), Class Rating (CRI) FI training!
  • Advantageous if the candidate wants to be involved in our day2day theoretical training because in that case the 100+ hour briefings do not need to be paid by the candidate!
  • Good job opportunities at Executive Flight after finishing the training
  • Very complete training that explicitly focuses on practical topics such as mission management, difficult students, stagnating students, instructor-student communication and potentially dangerous training situations


Flight locations

Antwerp International Airport
Luchthavenlei 1, 2100 Antwerp, bus 32, Belgium 

Hoevenen Airport
Dijkstraat 1, 2940 Stabroek

Charleroi Airport
Rue des Fusillés, B-6041 Gosselies, Belgium


On request. Highly dependent on the candidate’s availability and the number of FIs in training at the time.

Training program flight instructor training

Flight test

The candidate is subjected to a flight test imposed by the government. This is a flight of + / – 1 hour where a check pilot assesses the FI candidate’s flight technical skills.


A total of 125 hours of theory and briefings given by the candidate. The training starts with giving briefings and PPL theory. These are given on Tuesday from 1900-2130. FI candidate receives during the course of the program the opportunity gain experience as a teacher in front of a real class, a class of candidate-private pilots. Finally, it is expected from the FI candidate to handle the so-called long briefings during the practical training.

Flight training:

The practical training consists of 30 hours of flying in a Cessna 150/152. 25 hours of which is carried out with a FII (Flight Instructor’s Instructor) on board. The FII explains how an exercise in flight should be given to a candidate pilot. Then the FII will play the role of student, said the candidate FI explains and demonstrates the exercise. 5 hours of practical training are “mutual” flights. During these flights there are two FI candidates on board. One of them takes the role of student, the other the role of instructor.


After completion of the FI-examination, all candidates must follow an internship imposed by the government consisting of 100 hours of practical lessons with 25 solo missions under the supervision of a fully certified Flight Instructor. The restricted FI is during this internship not allowed to sign off the first circuit and the first solo navigation mission.

Initial requirements


“An applicant for an FI certificate shall:
a) in the case of FI (A) and FI (H):
1) have received at least 10 hours of instrument flight instruction in the appropriate aircraft category, of which no more than 5 hours of simulator time in an FSTD;
2) have conducted 20 hours VFR cross-country flights in the appropriate aircraft category as PIC; and
b) in addition, for the FI (A): 1) hold at least a CPL (A); or
2) hold at least a PPL (A):
i) meet the requirements for CPL theoretical knowledge, except for an FI (A) who only gives training for the LAPL (A), and
ii) have flown at least 200 hours on airplanes or TMGs, including 150 hours as PIC;
3) have flown at least 30 hours in single-engine piston aircrafts of which at least 5 hours during the six months preceding the entry flight test FCL.930.FI point a);
4) a VFR cross-country flight conducted as PIC, including a flight of at least 540 km (300 NM), during which one shall be land at two different aerodromes to a complete stop;”


An FI (A) rating and at least having flown 200 hours under IFR, of which 50 hours simulator time at most may be in an FFS, an FTD 2/3 or FNPT II .


“A candidate for a CRI certificate shall have completed at least the following:
a) for multi-engine airplanes:
1) 500 hours of flight time as a pilot on winged airplanes;
2) 30 hours as PIC in the applicable class or the applicable type of airplane;
b) for single-engine airplanes:
1) 300 hours of flight time as a pilot on winged airplanes;
2) 30 hours as PIC in the applicable class or the applicable type of airplane.”



Applicants for the FI certificate shall have passed a specific pre-entry flight test, conducted by an in conformity with FCL.905.FI, point i), qualified FI during the six months preceding the start of the course, to assess whether the candidate is suitable is to follow the program. This entry flight test shall be based on the proficiency check for class and type ratings as set out in Appendix 9 of this part. The FI training course shall include:
1) 25 hours of teaching and learning and at least 100 hours of theoretical knowledge instruction, including progress tests;
2) At least 30 hours of flight instruction, including 25 hours of dual instruction, which may be carried out for 5 hours in an FFS, an FNPT I or II or an FTD 2/3.


The training course for the IRI shall include at least the following: 1) 10 hours of technical training, including revision of instrument theoretical knowledge, the preparation of lesson plans and the development of instructional skills for classroom instruction; 2) At least 10 hours of flight instruction in an airplane, FFS, FTD 2/3 or FPNT II. In the case of applicants holding an FI (A) certificate these hours are reduced to 5;


The training course for the CRI shall include at least the following:
1) 25 hours of teaching and learning;
2) 10 hours of technical training, including revision of technical knowledge, the preparation of lesson plans and the development of skills for instruction in a classroom / flight simulator;
3) 5 hours of flight instruction on multi-engine airplanes, or 3 hours of flight instruction on single-engine airplanes, given by an FI (A) qualified in accordance with FCL.905.FI point i).
b) Applicants holding or having held an instructor certificate shall be fully exempted from the requirement under a), 1).


After completion of the FI-examination, all candidates follow an internship imposed by the government consisting of 100 hours of practical lessons with 25 solo missions under the supervision of a fully certified Flight Instructor. The restricted FI is not allowed during this internship to sign off the first circuit and the first solo mission with reference to solo mission.

License Renewal


For a renewal of an FI certificate, the holder must meet two of the following three requirements:
1) completing: At least 50 hours of flight instruction in the appropriate aircraft category during the period of validity of the certificate FI, TRI, CRI, IRI, MI or examiner. If the competencies to instruct for the IR are to be extended,10 of these hours need to be flight instruction for an IR and be completed in the twelve months preceding the expiry date of the FI certificate;
2) participating in an instructor refresher seminar within the validity period of the FI certificate;
3) pass an assessment of competence in accordance with FCL.935 within the twelve months preceding the expiry date of the FI certificate.
at least every other subsequent extension the holder must pass an assessment of competence in accordance with FCL.935.


For extension and renewal of an IRI certificate, the holder shall meet the requirements for revalidation and renewal of an FI certificate in accordance with FCL.940.FI.


a) For revalidation of a CRI certificate the applicant shall, within the twelve months preceding the expiry date of the CRI certificate:
1) have conducted at least 10 hours of flight instruction in the role of CRI. If the applicant has CRI privileges on both single-engine and multi-engine winged airplanes, the 10 hours of flight instruction shall be equally divided between single-engine and multi-engine winged airplanes; or
2) have received refresher training as a CRI at an ATO; or
3) have passed the assessment of competence in accordance with FCL.935 for multi-engine or single-engine winged airplanes, as appropriate.

b) At least every other extension of the CRI certificate the holder shall meet the requirements under a), 3).

Expired license


If the FI certificate has expired, the applicant shall, within the twelve months prior to the renewal:
1) attend an instructor refresher seminar;
2) pass an assessment of competence in accordance with FCL.935.


For revalidation and renewal of an IRI certificate, the holder shall meet the requirements for revalidation and renewal of an FI certificate in accordance with FCL.940.FI.


Renewal. If the CRI certificate has expired, the applicant shall, within the twelve months prior to the renewal:
1) receive refresher training as a CRI at an ATO;
2) pass the assessment of competence in accordance with FCL.935.

Other information


After the course to become FI one gets a restriction that prohibits the holder to perform first solo missions. Thereby a supervisor is designated during his teaching within the ATO. The restriction shall be lifted when the candidate has given 100 hours of lessons and has performed 25 solo missions.

IRI(A) en CRI(A)

Not applicable

Legal requirements

Common requirements FCL.900 Instructor certificates

a) General. A person may only: 1) give flight instruction in aircraft when he holds:
i) a license issued as a pilot or accepted in accordance with this Regulation;
ii) an instructor certificate appropriate for the instruction to be executed, issued in accordance with this Subpart;
2) flight instruction in flight simulators or MCC instruction when he is holder of an instructor certificate appropriate for the instruction to be executed, issued in accordance with this Subpart.
b) Special conditions:
1) In the case of the introduction of new aircraft in the Member States or the operator’s fleet, and it is impossible to determine whether there is compliance with the requirements established in this Subpart, the competent authority may issue a specific certificate giving privileges for flight instruction. Such a certificate is limited to the instruction flights that are necessary for the introduction of the new type of aircraft and the validity period shall not be longer than one year.
2) Holders of a certificate issued in accordance with paragraph b) 1) who wish to apply for a certificate as an instructor must meet the prerequisites and revalidation requirements established for that category of instructor. Notwithstanding FCL.905.TRI, point b), a TRI certificate issued in accordance with this paragraph is entitled to instruct for the issue of a TRI or SFI certificate for the relevant type.
c) Instruction outside the territory of the Member States
1) Notwithstanding point a) in the case of flight instruction being given to an ATO located outside the territory of the Member States, the competent authority, a may award an instructor certificate to an applicant who holds a license issued by a third country in accordance with Annex 1 to the Chicago Convention provided that the applicant:
i) is the holder of a license, rating or certificate which is at least equivalent to that for which they are empowered to instruci, and in any case at least a CPL;
ii) complies with the requirements established in this Subpart for the issue of the relevant instructor certificate;
iii) demonstrates to the competent authority that he has adequate knowledge of European aviation safety rules to exercise instructional competencies in accordance with this Part. 2) The certificate shall be limited to providing flight instruction:
i) in ATOs located outside the territory of the Member States;
ii) to student pilots who have sufficient knowledge of the language in which flight instruction is given.

FCL.915   General prerequisites and requirements for instructors
a) General. An applicant for an instructor certificate shall be at least 18 years old.
b) Additional requirements for instructors providing flight instruction in aircraft. An applicant for or holder of a certificate as an instructor with privileges to conduct flight instruction in aircraft shall:
1) hold at least the license and, where relevant, the rating for which flight instruction will be given;
2) except in the case of the instructor flight test:
i) have completed at least 15 hours as a pilot on the class or type of aircraft that will give flight instruction, of which up to 7 hours in an FSTD representing the class or the type of aircraft, if applicable; or
ii) passed an assessment of competence for the relevant category of instructor on that class or type of aircraft;
3) be entitled to act as PIC on the aircraft during such flight instruction. c) Exemption for further ratings and extension
1) Applicants for further instructor certificates can be exempted from those instructional techniques that were demonstrated already for the instructor certificate which they hold.
2) Hours flown as an examiner during skill tests or proficiency checks shall be fully credited towards the renewal of all instructor certificates which someone holds.
d) In relation to exemptions for other types one takes into account the relevant elements defined in the operational suitability data, in accordance with Part 21

FCL.920 Instructor competencies and assessment All instructors shall be trained to acquire the following qualifications : – preparing for the resources necessary for instruction
– to create a climate conducive to learning, – the transfer of knowledge
– integrating threat and incorrect assessment management (Threat and Error management
– TEM) with CRM – dealing with time (time management) to achieve the training objectives,
– facilitate learning,
– assess the performance of the pupil,
– supervising and assessing progress,
– evaluate training sessions,
– reporting the results.

FCL.925 Additional requirements for instructors for the MPL a) Instructors conducting training for the MPL shall:
1) have successfully completed an MPL instructor training course at an ATO; and
2) also for the basic phase, continued phase and phase for advanced students of the MPL integrated training course:
i) have experience with pilot operation; and
ii) have completed initial CRM training with a commercial air transport operator approved in accordance with the applicable air operations requirements.
b) Training Course for MPL instructors
1) The training course for MPL instructors must have a minimum of 14 hours of training. Upon completion of the training course, the competence as instructor and knowledge about the training approach based on competence is being assessed.
2) The assessment shall consist of a practical demonstration of flight instruction in the appropriate phase of the MPL training course. The assessment is conducted by an examiner qualified in accordance with Subpart K.
3) Upon successful completion of the MPL training course, the ATO shall issue a certificate of qualification as MPL instructor to the candidate. c) In order to maintain the competencies, the instructor needs to have carried out within the preceding 12 months, the following within an MPL training course:
1) one simulator session of at least 3 hours; or
2) 1 air exercise of at least 1 hour comprising at least 2 take-offs and landings.
d) If the instructor does not meet the requirements in c), he shall, before exercising the privileges to conduct flight instruction for the MPL:
1) receive refresher training at an ATO to reach the necessary level of competence.
2) pass the assessment of competence as an instructor as provided in paragraph b) 2).

FCL.930   Training course Applicants for an instructor certificate shall have successfully completed a course of theoretical knowledge and flight instruction at an ATO. In addition to the specific elements described in this section for each category of instructor, the course shall contain the elements required in FCL.920. FCL.935 Assessment of competence
a) Except for the instructor “in cooperation of the crew” (MCCI), the flight instructor for onepilot-certified aircraft (STI), the instructor rating for flying in mountainous areas (MI) and the instructor flight test (FTI), a candidate for an instructor certificate must demonstrate to an examiner, who’s qualified thereto, in accordance with Subpart K, his professional competence in the appropriate aircraft category to demonstrate that he is able to instruct a student pilot to the level required for the issue of the relevant license, the relevant rating or the relevant certificate.
b) The assessment shall include the following:
1) the demonstration of the competencies described in FCL.920 pre- and post-flight and theoretical knowledge instruction;
2) oral theoretical examinations on the ground, briefings before and after the flight and demonstrations in flight during skill tests in the relevant class or type of aircraft or FSTD;
3) exercises adequate to evaluate the qualifications of the instructor.
c) The assessment must be carried out with the same type or class of aircraft or FSTD used for the flight instruction.
d) When an assessment of competence is required for the renewal of a certificate as an instructor, an applicant who did not pass the assessment sufficiently before the expiry date of an instructor certificate cannot exercise the privileges of that certificate until the assessment has been successfully completed .

FCL.940 Validity of instructor certificates
With the exception of the MI, and without prejudice to FCL.900, item b) 1), instructor certificates are valid for a period of 3 years.

FCL.945 Instructor Obligations
Upon completion of the flight training with a view to renewing an SEP or TMG rating in accordance with FCL.740.A, point b), point 1), and only when all other under FCL. 740.A, point b), point 1) required renewal criteria are met, endorse the instructor certificate of the candidate with the new expiry date of the rating or certificate, if it is specifically authorised by the competent authority responsible for the candidate’s certificate.

Specific requirements for the flight instructor – FI FCL.905.FI FI – Competencies and conditions The competencies of an FI are to conduct flight instruction for the issue, revalidation or renewal of: a) a PPL, SPL, BPL and LAPL in the appropriate aircraft category; b) class and type ratings for onepilot-certified engine aircraft, except onepilot-certified complex airplanes with high performance; class and group extensions for air balloons and class extensions for sailplanes; c) type ratings for onepilot or more pilot-pilot airships; d) a CPL in the appropriate aircraft category, provided that the FI has completed at least 500 hours as a pilot on that aircraft category, including at least 200 hours of flight instruction; e) rating for night flying, provided that the FI: 1) is qualified to fly at night in the appropriate aircraft category; 2) has demonstrated the ability to give night flight instruction an FI qualified in accordance with paragraph i) below; and 3) complies with the night experience requirement of FCL.060, paragraph b) 2). f) a rating for towing, aerobatics or in the case of an FI (S), clouds flights, provided that the FI is holder of such powers and he has demonstrated the ability to instruct for that rating in front of an FI qualified in accordance with paragraph i) below; g) an EIR or an IR in the appropriate aircraft category, provided that the FI: 1) has completed at least 200 hours under IFR, including a maximum of 50 hours ground time in an FFS, an FTD 2/3 or FNPT II ; 2) as a student pilot has completed the IRI training course and has passed the assessment of competence for the IRI certificate; and 3) in addition: i) for multi-engine aircraft meets the requirements for a CRI for multi-engine airplanes; ii) for multi-engine helicopters meets the requirements for the issue of a TRI certificate; h) class or type ratings for single-pilot certified multi-engine aircraft, except for onepilot-certified complex winged airplanes with high performance, provided that the FI meets: 1) in the case of airplanes, the prerequisites for the CRI training course established in FCL.915.CRI, point a) and the requirements of FCL.930.CRI and FCL.935; 2) in the case of helicopters, the requirements established in FCL.910.TRI, point c), 1) and the prerequisites for the TRI (H) -training course FCL.915.TRI as defined in paragraph d), 2 ); i) a certificate as FI, IRI, CRI, STI or MI, provided that the FI: 1) at least has completed the following: i) at least 50 hours or 150 launches of flight instruction on sailplanes; ii) at least 50 hours or 50 take-offs of flight instruction on balloons; iii) 500 hours of flight instruction in the appropriate aircraft category; 2) passed an assessment of competence in accordance with FCL.935 in the appropriate aircraft category for a Flight Instructor Examiner (FIE) demonstrating the ability to instruct for the FI certificate; j) an MPL, provided that the FI: 1) for the core flying phase of training has flown at least 500 hours as pilot of airplanes, including at least 200 hours of flight instruction; 2) for the basic phase of training: i) holds an IR for multi-engine airplanes and the power to instruct for an IR; and ii) at least 1500 hours of flight time with pilot operation. 3) in the case of an FI already qualified to instruct in integrated courses for ATP (A) or CPL (A) / IR, the requirement under 2), can be ii) replaced by the completion of a structured course of training consisting of: i) MCC-qualification; ii) observing 5 sessions of flight instruction in Phase 3 of an MPL course; iii) observing 5 sessions of flight instruction in Phase 4 of an MPL course; iv) observing 5 recurrent LOFT sessions of an operator; v) the content of the MCCI instructor course. In this case, the FI will perform the first 5 instructor sessions under the supervision of a TRI (A), MCCI (A) or SFI (A) qualified for MPL flight instruction.

FCL.910.FI FI – Restricted privileges a) The privileges of an FI are limited to performing flight instruction designated under the supervision of an FI for the same category of aircraft for this purpose by the ATO, in the following cases: 1) issue of the PPL, SPL, BPL and LAPL; 2) in all integrated courses at PPL level, in case of airplanes and helicopters; 3) for class and type ratings for onepilot-certified engine aircraft, except onepilot-certified complex winged airplanes with high performance, class and group extensions in the case of balloons and class extensions in the case of sailplanes; 4) ratings for night flying, towing or stunt flying. b) While conducting training under supervision, in accordance with paragraph a), the FI does not have the authority to give permission to student pilots to conduct first solo flights and first solo cross-country flights. c) The restriction in paragraph a) and b) are removed from the FI certificate when the FI at least has completed the following: 1) for the FI (A): 100 hours of flight instruction in airplanes or TMGs and surveillance at less than 25 solo flights by student pilots; 2) for the FI (H) 100 hours of flight instruction in helicopters and supervised at least 25 solo flying trainers of student pilots; 3) for the FI (As), FI (S) and FI (B): 15 hours or 50 take-offs of flight instruction covering the full training syllabus for the issue of a PPL (As), SPL or BPL in the appropriate aircraft category. FCL.915.FI FI – Prerequisites An applicant for an FI certificate shall: a) in the case of FI (A) and FI (H): 1) have received at least 10 hours of instrument flight instruction in the appropriate aircraft category, of which no more than 5 hours of ground time in an FSTD; 2) conducted 20 hours VFR cross-country flight on the appropriate aircraft category as PIC; and b) in addition, for the FI (A): 1) hold at least a CPL (A); or 2) hold at least a PPL (A): i) meet the requirements for CPL theoretical knowledge, except for an FI (A) shows only training for the LAPL (A), and ii) at least 200 hours have flown on airplanes or TMGs, including 150 hours as PIC; 3) completed at least 30 hours on single-engine piston aircraft that have recorded at least 5 hours during the six months preceding the entry flight test FCL.930.FI point a); 4) conducted a VFR cross-country flight as PIC, including a flight of at least 540 km (300 NM), during which will be landed at two different aerodromes to full stop; c) have 250 hours total flight time as pilot on helicopters of which: 1) at least 100 hours as PIC, if the applicant holds at least a CPL (H); or 2) at least 200 hours as PIC, if the applicant holds at least a PPL (H) and has met the requirements for CPL theoretical knowledge; d) for an FI (As), have flown 500 hours on airships as PIC, of which 400 hours as PIC holding a CPL (As); e) for an FI (S), 100 hours of flight time and 200 launches have performed as PIC on sailplanes. Moreover, if the candidate for flight instruction will give TMG, he must have completed at least 30 hours as PIC on TMG and have undergone additional assessment of his competence on a TMG in accordance with FCL.935 with an FI qualified in accordance with FCL.905.FI point i); f) for an FI (B), having carried out at least 75 hours of balloon flights as PIC, of which at least 15 hours in the class with which flight instruction will be given. FCL.930.FI FI – Training course a) Candidates must have passed the FI certificate for a specific entry flight test, conducted by FI qualified in conformity with FCL.905., point i), during the six months prior to the commencement of training, to assess whether the applicant is suitable to follow the training. This entry flight test shall be based on the proficiency check for class and type ratings as set out in Appendix 9 of this part. b) The FI training course shall include: 1) 25 hours of teaching and learning; 2) i) in the case of an FI (A), (H) and (As), at least 100 hours of theoretical knowledge instruction, including progress tests; ii) in the case of an FI (B) or FI (S), at least 30 hours of theoretical knowledge instruction, including progress tests; 3) i) in the case of an FI (A) and (H), at least 30 hours of flight instruction, including 25 hours of dual instruction, of which 5 hours may be conducted in an FFS, an FNPT I or II or an FTD 2/3; ii) in the case of an FI (As), at least 20 hours of flight instruction, including 15 hours of dual control instruction; iii) in the case of an FI (S), at least 6 hours or 20 take-offs of flight instruction; iv) in the case of an FI (S), which provides training on TMGs, at least 6 hours of dual control instruction on TMGs; v) in case of an FI (B), at least 3 hours of flight instruction, including three starts. 4) Where an application is made for an FI certificate in another category of aircraft, pilots who are or have held an FI (A), (H) or (As) 55 hours exemption with respect to the requirement b) , 2), i) or for 18 hours with regard to the requirements in b), 2), ii). FCL.940.FI FI – Revalidation and renewal a) For a renewal of an FI certificate, the holder must meet two of the following three requirements: 1) the completion of: i) in the case of an FI (A) and (H), at least 50 hours of flight instruction in the appropriate aircraft category during the period of validity of the certificate for FI, TRI, CRI, IRI, MI or examiner. If the competencies to instruct for the IR need to be extended, 10 of these hours need to be flight instruction for an IR and be completed in the twelve months preceding the expiry date of the FI certificate; ii) in the case of an FI (As), at least 20 hours of flight instruction in airships as FI, IRI or as examiner during the period of validity of the certificate. If the competencies to instruct for the IR need to be extended, 10 of these hours of flight instruction are for an IR are to be completed in the twelve months preceding the expiry date of the FI certificate; iii) at least 30 hours or 60 take-offs of flight instruction in sailplanes, motorised sailplanes or TMG as FI or as examiner during the period of validity of the certificate; iv) in the case of an FI (B), at least 6 hours of flight instruction in balloons as FI or as examiner during the period of validity of the certificate; 2) participating in an instructor refresher seminar within the validity period of the FI certificate; 3) pass an assessment of competence in accordance with FCL.935 within the twelve months preceding the expiry date of the FI certificate. b) at least every other extension that follows in the case of an FI (A) or FI (H), or any third extension in the case of an FI (As), (S) and (B) holder must pass an assessment of competence in accordance with FCL.935. c) Renewal. If the FI certificate has expired, the applicant shall, within the twelve months prior to the renewal: 1) attend an instructor refresher seminar; 2) pass an assessment of competence in accordance with FCL.935. FCL.905.CRI CRI – Privileges and conditions a) The privileges of a CRI are to instruct for: 1) the issue, revalidation and renewal of class or type ratings for onepilot-certified airplanes, except onepilot-certified complex airplanes with high performance when the applicant seeks privileges to perform at onepilot operations; 2) a rating for towing or stunt flying in the airplane category, provided the CRI holds the relevant rating and has demonstrated the ability to instruct for that rating in front of an FI qualified in accordance with FCL. 905.FI point i); 3) Enhancing the competencies of LAPL (A) to another class or variant of airplane. b) The privileges of a CRI are restricted to the class or type of airplane that was conducted to assess the qualifications of the instructor. The privileges of the CRI shall be extended to other classes or types when the CRI has completed the following over the past twelve months: 1) 15 hours of flight time as PIC on airplanes of the applicable class or the applicable type of airplane; 2) one training flight from the right hand seat under the supervision of another CRI or FI qualified for that class or type occupying the other pilot’s seat. c) Applicants for the CRI for multi-engine airplanes which hold a CRI certificate for single-engine airplanes must meet the admission requirements for a CRI established in FCL.915.CRI (a) and to the requirements of FCL.930.CRI (a) (3) and FCL.935. FCL.915.CRI CRI – Prerequisites An applicant for a CRI certificate shall have completed at least the following: a) for multi-engine airplanes: 1) 500 hours of flight time as a pilot on airplanes; 2) 30 hours as PIC on the applicable class or the applicable type of airplane; b) for single-engine airplanes: 1) 300 hours of flight time as a pilot on airplanes; 2) 30 hours as PIC on the applicable class or the applicable type of airplane. FCL.930.CRI CRI – Training course a) The training course for the CRI shall include at least the following: 1) 25 hours of teaching and learning; 2) 10 hours of technical training, including revision of technical knowledge, the preparation of lesson plans and the development of skills for instruction in a classroom / flight simulator; 3) 5 hours of flight instruction on multi-engine airplanes, or 3 hours of flight instruction on single-engine airplanes, given by an FI (A) qualified in accordance with FCL.905.FI point i). b) Applicants holding or having held an instructor certificate shall be fully exempted from the requirement under a) 1). FCL.940.CRI CRI – Revalidation and renewal a) For revalidation of a CRI certificate the applicant shall, within twelve months preceding the expiry date of the CRI certificate: 1) have given at least 10 hours of flight instruction in the role of CRI. If the applicant has CRI privileges on both single-engine and multi-engine airplanes, the 10 hours of flight instruction shall be equally divided between single-engine and multi-engine airplanes; or 2) receive refresher training as a CRI at an ATO; or 3) pass the assessment of competence in accordance with FCL.935 for multi-engine or single-engine airplanes, as appropriate. b) The holder must meet at least every other extension of the CRI certificate the requirements under a), 3). c) Renewal. If the CRI certificate has lapsed, the applicant shall, within the twelve months prior to the renewal: 1) receive refresher training as a CRI at an ATO; 2) pass the assessment of competence in accordance with FCL.935. SECTION 6 Specific requirements for the instrument rating instructor – IRI FCL.905.IRI IRI – Privileges and conditions a) The privileges of an IRI are to instruct for the issue, revalidation and renewal of an EIR or an IR on the appropriate aircraft category . b) Specific requirements for the MPL course. To give instruction in the basic phase of training on an MPL course, the IRI (A) shall: 1) hold an IR for multi-engine airplanes; and 2) have flown more pilot operation at least 1500 hours. 3) In the case of IRI already qualified to instruct for integrated courses ATP (A) or CPL (A) / IR, the requirement b), 2) be replaced described by finishing the course in section FCL.905.FI, paragraph j), 3). FCL.915.IRI IRI – Prerequisites An applicant for an IRI certificate shall: a) for an IRI (A): 1) have completed at least 800 hours under IFR, of which at least 400 hours in airplanes; and 2) in the case of applicants of an IRI (A) for multi-engine airplanes, meet the requirements of paragraph FCL.915.CRI, point a) FCL.930.CRI and FCL.935; b) for an IRI (H): 1) have completed at least 500 hours under IFR, of which at least 250 hours of instrument flight time in helicopters; and 2) in the case of applicants of an IRI (H) for pilot-pilot helicopters, meet the requirements under FCL.905.FI, paragraph g) 3), ii); c)have completed at least 300 hours under IFR, of which at least 100 hours of instrument flight time in airships. FCL.930.IRI IRI – Training course a) The training course for the IRI shall include at least the following: 1) 25 hours of teaching and learning; 2) 10 hours of technical training, including revision of instrument theoretical knowledge, the preparation of lesson plans and the development of instructional skills for classroom instruction; 3) i) for the IRI (A), at least 10 hours of flight instruction in an airplane, FFS, FTD 2/3 or FPNT II. In the case of candidates who have an FI (A) certificate, these hours are reduced to 5; ii) for the IRI (H), at least 10 hours of flight instruction in a helicopter, FFS, FTD 2/3 or FNPT II / III; iii) for the IRI (As), at least 10 hours of flight instruction on an airship, FFS, FTD 2/3 or FNPT II. b) Flight instruction shall be given by an FI qualified in accordance with FCL.905.FI point i). c) Applicants holding or having held an instructor certificate, are completely exempt from the requirement under a) 1). FCL.940.IRI   IRI — Revalidation and renewal For revalidation and renewal of an IRI certificate, the holder shall meet the requirements for revalidation and renewal of an FI certificate in accordance with FCL.940.FI. SECTION 7 Specific requirements for the flight instructor – SFI FCL.905.SFI SFI – Privileges and conditions The privileges of an SFI are to carry out instruction in a flight simulator within the appropriate aircraft category, for: a) the issue, revalidation and renewal of an IR, provided that he is or has held an IR in the appropriate aircraft category and has completed an IRI training course; and b) in the case of SFI for éénpiloot-pilot airplanes: 1) the issue, revalidation and renewal of type ratings for éénpiloot-certified complex airplanes high performance when the applicant seeks privileges to perform at éénpilootoperaties. The powers may be extended to the SFI (SPA) for flight instruction for éénpiloot-certified complex airplanes high performance during more pilot operation, on condition that: i) holds an MCCI certificate; or ii) holds or has held a TRI certificate for multi-pilot pilot airplanes; and 2) provided that the privileges of the SFI (SPA) have been extended to more pilot operation in accordance with 1): i) MCC; ii) the MPL course on the basic phase; c) in the case of SFI for pilot-pilot airplanes: 1) the issue, revalidation and renewal of type ratings for: i) more Pilot-pilot airplanes; ii) éénpiloot-certified complex airplanes high performance when the applicant seeks privileges to gain more pilot operation; 2) MCC; 3) the MPL course in the elementary phase, continuous phase and phase for advanced, provided for the basic phase, he holds or has held an FI (A) or IRI (A). d) in the case of SFI for helicopters: 1) the issue, revalidation and renewal of type ratings for helicopters; 2) MCC training, when the SFI is authorized to instruct for more pilot-pilot helicopters. FCL.910.SFI SFI – Restricted privileges The privileges of the SFI shall be restricted to the FTD 2/3 or FFS of the aircraft type in which the SFI training course has been completed. The privileges may be extended to other FSTDs representing further types of the same category of aircraft when the holder: a) successfully completed the simulator content of the relevant type rating course; and b) during a complete type rating course conducted at least 3 hours of flight instruction related to the duties of an SFI on the applicable type under the supervision and to the satisfaction of a TRE qualified for this. FCL.915.SFI SFI – Prerequisites An applicant for an SFI certificate shall: a) hold or have held a CPL, MPL or ATPL in the appropriate aircraft category; b) successfully have completed the proficiency check for the issue of a type rating for the specific aircraft type rating in an FFS representing the applicable type, within the twelve months preceding the application; and c) additionally, for an SFI (A) for pilot-pilot airplane or SFI (PL): 1) have completed at least 1500 hours as pilot on multi pilot-pilot airplanes or powered-lift aircraft, as applicable; 2) as a director or observer within the twelve months preceding the application, at least have done the following: i) 3 route sectors on the flight deck of the aircraft type; or ii) 2 LOFT based simulator sessions conducted by qualified flight crew on the flight deck of the applicable type. This flight simulator sessions shall include 2 flights of at least 2 hours each between 2 different aerodromes, and the associated pre-flight planning and briefing; d) additionally, for an SFI (A) for éénpiloot-certified complex airplanes high performance: 1) have completed at least 500 hours as PIC on éénpiloot-pilot airplanes; 2) hold or have held a rating of multi-engine IR (A); and 3) meet the requirements under c), 2); e) additionally, for an SFI (H): 1) as a director or observer at least 1 hour have flown on the flight deck of the applicable type, within the twelve months preceding the application; and 2) in the case of multi-pilot pilot helicopters, at least 1000 hours of flight time as a pilot of a helicopter, including at least 350 hours as pilot on multi-pilot pilot helicopters; 3) in the case of éénpiloot-pilot multi-engine helicopters, 500 hours flew as pilot of helicopters, including 100 hours as PIC on éénpiloot-pilot multi-engine helicopters; 4) in the case of éénpiloot-pilot single-engine helicopters, completed 250 hours flown as pilot of helicopters. FCL.930.SFI SFI – Training course a) The training course for the SFI shall include: 1) the FSTD content of the relevant type rating course; 2) the content of the TRI training course. b) An applicant for an SFI certificate who holds a TRI certificate for the relevant type shall be fully exempted from the requirements of this section. FCL.940.SFI SFI – Revalidation and renewal a) Revalidation. For revalidation of an SFI certificate the applicant shall, within the validity period of the SFI certificate, fulfill 2 of the following three requirements: complete 1) 50 hours as an instructor or examiner in FSTDs, including at least 15 hours within twelve months preceding the expiry date of the SFI certificate; 2) receive refresher training for instructors as an SFI at an ATO; 3) pass the relevant sections of the assessment of competence in accordance with FCL.935; b) In addition, the candidate must have passed the proficiency checks for the issue of a type rating for the specific aircraft in an FFS representing the types for which it is responsible. c) Every other extension of the SFI certificate the holder must meet at least the requirements under a), 3). d) Renewal. If the SFI certificate has expired, the applicant, within the twelve months prior to the application must: 1) have completed the content of the SFI training course on flight simulators; 2) meet the requirements under a), 2) and 3).

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